East Northumberland Secondary School graduate Tina Roberts (born Schneider) celebrated a homecoming of sorts last week at an appearance to promote her new book. The Two Sisters Cookbook features complete menus, recipes, cooking tips and a collection of family stories. Every menu has a story. Even as a child, Roberts recalls, she loved to cook. There was even a point, midstream in her courses at medical school, some serious thought was given to attending chef's school. "All of my friends and family would rely on me for menu planning," she said. "I've always had a knack for inventing recipes. It's something I've always been interested in." >> read full article
Quinte West EMC
Appetizer season is upon us in full force. You can probably guarantee that there is a table of assorted appetizers in many local homes for holiday get-togethers. Today's offering is a selection of three appetizers from the cookbook, The Two Sisters Cookbook by Tina Roberts of Waterloo. The book features 20 family-inspired menus from an appetizer, to a main entrée and dessert. The recipes are mostly from Roberts but some are her sister, Audrey Mitchell's favourites. Mitchell lives in Brighton. >> read full article
The Record
"Well, I've already "dirtied up" my copy of your Two Sisters Cookbook! I have many cookbooks that I often refer to, but I thoroughly love yours! The menu format is what I like most about it. You are right, not only does it take a lot of time to decide on a menu but to also choose a menu with easy to prepare recipes with lots of flavor, looks great and leaves you time to enjoy your guests isn't always easy to pull off. Because your menus & recipes are family tested, I feel confident in trying them. I've already tested several recipes on my husband and the Asian Broccoli Salad and Sesame Noodles are hits! Your comments & tips for each of the recipes are also very helpful; from the make ahead items to the much used parchment paper for easy clean up. I usually make notes in my cookbooks, so the "notes" page comes in very handy."
"Quite simply, Tina is one of the best home chefs I know. She has a knack for combining flavours, and her preparation techniques are creative and well thought out. I’ve featured many of her recipes in my monthly newsletter and in the recipe column that I write for our local newspaper. Tina’s “Blueberry Drizzle Salad” and “Marinated Brie” are by far 2 of the most popular recipes that I’ve shared with my readers. It’s been over 2 years since these recipes went to print and people are still raving about them! These recipes, among others, are sure to become your favourites, too.”
Dana Shortt. Owner, Dana Shortt Gourmet. Waterloo, ON
"Tina’s experimental flare, guided by her inspiration and impulse, illuminates the truth: great cooking is done at home. She has a passion for food. Great chefs create recipes and dishes that everyone loves. Tina invents and perfects menus and meals one plate at a time.”
Patricia Miller. Friend & Student, Culinary Institute of America. New York, NY
"The creation of The Two Sisters Cookbook has been fun for our entire family. Tina and I were able to spend time together in the kitchen testing the recipes that we all enjoyed eating – one dish tasting better than the next. I'm so proud of my sister Tina – her dedication and love of cooking has created this awesome cookbook. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do."
Audrey Mitchell. Tina's Sister. Brighton, ON
"Tina, I LOVE your cookbook!!! What sold me on it is the way you lay out an entire meal. It's so clever. I also really like the "add the ♥" symbol. Looking forward to cooking the Easter dinner with my daughter."
"The cookbook looks wonderful, not only the lovely palette and feel to the book itself, but also the contents and recipes which reveal all the care and love you and your sister put into creating them. Thanks for sharing this with the world. I know my friends and family will enjoy them for years to come."
"Perfect cookbook for foodies or those of us who just like to prepare nice meals without all the thought -- the thinking is done for you! Arranged by entire meals the recipes are wholesome old fashioned food with a modern twist! Love it!"
"I made your carrot cake to take to a friend's home last evening, it was a hit!"
"I haven't cooked from the Two Sisters yet, but have read it all. What a lovely way to record your food memories. I can see it bringing forward many family memories for others with their families. It all sounds so good and I am looking forward to making many dishes."
Linda Stephen. Linda Stephen's Country Kitchen. Baltimore, ON